Sunday, March 28, 2010


Our observance of Lent has led us to Holy Week on this Passion 'Palm' Sunday, as we prepare to commemorate the Paschal Mystery of Jesus the Christ, during the quintessential days of sacredness and solemnity in all of salvation history. Today in our prayer and worship in Word and Eucharist, we recall the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, while the crowds acclaimed Him with hosannas and olive branches, befitting a king. We hear from Isaiah the Prophet, one of the Suffering Songs and from Paul's Letter to the Philippians a Canticle of Christ's obedience to and fulfillment of, the Father's Will. The Proclamation of the Passion from Luke's Gospel with multiple voice parts, chronicles the indignities and sufferings Jesus endured as the sacrifice for the sins of humankind. The pieces of palm distributed in Catholic-Christian churches today are a symbol, that we too acclaim and then sin against God, and are in need of the forgiveness and redemption won for us by the paschal sacrifice of Christ. Holy Week is bookended by palms and lilies. But to truly participate in the Paschal Mystery of Christ involves our presence in these sacred acts of our Faith throughout Holy Week, especially in the Easter Triduum, of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday. Take time this week to be present for the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday; the Solen Liturgy of the Passion, Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion, on Good Friday; and the Easter Vigil Service and Christian Initiation, on Holy Saturday. Then you will be fully prepared to celebrate Easter Sunday, the day of the Resurrection, with the fullness of faith, fidelity, and fellowship, in the Redeemer of Humankind, God's Co-Eternal and Salvific Son, Jesus the Christ..........Happy Holy Week, Fr. Troy

Saturday, March 27, 2010


The passage of the landmark Health Care Reform bill last week by Congress, enacted into law by the President on Tuesday, and the vociferous response opponents of the legislation continue to make, is a sad chapter in American political history. Not that those who oppose it are steadfast in their opposition, but the lengths to which many are willing to take their protests, up to and including the threatening of violent acts against supporters of the cause. Representative Bart Stupak of Michigan, a staunch pro-life, anti-abortion Democrat, who twice in recent months has effectively advocated for the exclusion of abortion coverage in the new health reform bill, successfully offering an amendment to the House bill, and negotiating an agreement for a Presidential Executive Order to ensure the Administration enforces long standinng restrictions placed on the use of federal funds for abortion, following which he and other pro-life Democrats then voted in favor of the bill, is being openly attacked. As Rep. Stupak was speaking of his decision to vote for the health reform bill on the House floor, another Congressman shouted out at him, "baby killer". Not only are critical messages being received in supporting Congress members offices, but also venonmous, life threatening, statements. This degree of overheated, zealousness is a breach of the civility that should be maintained, to assure peaceful political disagreement that does not encourage or promote violence, as an acceptable response. American democracy has long been defined civilly, as being able to contest, oppose, or disagree, over the issues and answers before us, but leaving politics at the water's edge. Respect for life is not limited to our political preferences. Threats and violence are out of place and a wrong headed response in a democratic republic like ours, where we can vote in and out of office those who represent us in government and where majority rule prevails. Condoning or carrying out untoward acts of uncontrolled zealousness, threatening violence, or rabid vengeance, will only diminish the United States of America, these same citizens proclaim allegiance to. God Bless and renew our unity in these politically and economically turbulent times..........May Civility And The Common Good Guide Our Efforts And Responses In This And All Matters Of National Interest, Fr. Troy

Friday, March 26, 2010


The annual Chrism Mass, at which the sacramental holy oils of the Church are blessed and the renewal of commitment to priestly ministry is affirmed, took place last night in the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in downtown Sacramento. 3 Bishops, 1 Abbot, 151 Priests, 30 Deacons, and a nearly full capacity congregation of women and men religious and the laity were present, as Bishop Jaime Soto presided and preached at this beautifully solemn Liturgy.....Today I am attending another of the Disciples On The Journey gatherings, celebrating the 5:30 pm 5th Friday of Lent Mass and joining in at the Lenten Soup Supper afterwards, tonight whose proceeds benefit the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home.....Tomorrow at 12 noon, Bishops Soto and Quinn will concelebrate a Mass transferring the body of the late Auxiliary Bishop Alfonso Gallegos for entombment in Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 7th & 'T' Streets in Sacramento, where he served for a time as Pastor during his auxilary bishopric in the Sacramento Diocese..........Peace In Christ, Fr. Troy

Thursday, March 25, 2010


The Fourth Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, which begins with a beautiful prologue that is a sweeping statement of salvation history says, "In the fullness of time ( God the Father) sent...the only Son to be our Savior". The door that opened the Coming of the Lord Jesus into the World as God made Man, is the mystery of our Faith we celebrate today - the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. Although Pentecost has traditionally been called the Birthday of the Church, the Annunciation is the true beginning of the Church, as the Blessed Virgin Mary's YES, to the angel Gabriel's pronouncement that she was to conceive and bear a son by the power of the Holy Spirit, is the faith response that set God's Plan for humankind's redemption in motion, making her the first disciple of the Body of Christ, that is the Church. This Annunciation Day, is also 7 months since my kidney transplant, and I continue to proactively recover and resume more of my priestly ministry successfully. It is also our annual Chrism Mass Day in the Sacramento Diocese, which began for the priests after our morning Masses, with a conference at St. Anthony's Parish in the Greenhaven/Pocket Area, with a presentation by Rev. Fr. Pat Mullen, a priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, who teaches at St. John's Seminary in Camarillo. He spoke to us on the Passion Narratives in the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John. This evening the Mass of the Blessing of the Holy Oils, (Chrism Mass) will be concelebrated by Bishop Soto, in the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament at 6 pm. It is one of the major liturgical highlights of the Church Year, as Bishop, priests, religious women and men, deacons and their wives, and the laity, gather together to truly celebrate our commitment and participation as the Diocesan Church, in immediate preparation for Holy Week, the Easter Triduum, and the Rites of Christian Initiation in the next ten days. If you are in Sacramento and can attend this evening I encourage you to do so. If you are reading my blog in a different diocese, find out when your Chrism Mass takes place during this coming week and attend it if you possibly can..........In The Joy Of Savation Christ's Annunciation Brings To Us For The Redemption of Humankind, Fr. Troy

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


30 Years ago today, while celebrating Mass in San Salvador, El Savador where he was the Archbishop, +Oscar Romero, was assassinated by far right political and military men, for preaching the Gospel of Social Justice. He is truly one of the modern martyrs of our Catholic-Christian Faith. At the Communal Penance Service at the Sacramento State University Newman Center tonight, Rev. Fr. George Wanser, S.J., preached an insightful homily about the ministry and killikng of Archbishop Romero. He himself has spent time in El Salvador and the surrounding region of Central America. Let us pray and work for the justice our Church and World so inherently needs, as we too proclaim Gospel values by the faithful witness of our lives..........In Jesus The Christ Our Justice And Peace, Fr. Troy

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Monday and Tuesday of the 5th Week of Lent have been full of priestly ministry. The 2nd Grade Student Confessions at Sacred Heart at 9 am Monday morning, and then I went to Assumption Parish in Carmichael, to help with the 7th and 8th Grade Student Confessions, and then last night was our SacHeart Lenten Communal Penance Service; then today I was at St. Mary's Church at 58th & M streets hearing some of their Student Confessions at 9:15 am, after celebrating the 8 am Mass at Sacred Heart; and made three more Homebound Sacramental Calls, the third one being with Social Services Sister Sheila Walsh, S.S.S., who founded the Jericho Social Justice ministry in Sacramento in 1987, the year I was ordained a priest. Then tonight I was the presenter at RCIA, one the Nicene Creed, our Profession of Faith defined and promulgated at the first Council of Nicea, in 325 A.D., which was the first of the 21 Ecumenical Councils of the Church in our history, the Second Vatican Council, (1962-65) being the latest. Tomorrow morning I will preside at a Lenten seasonal Mass at Saylor Lane HealthCare Center on Folsom Blvd., at 11 am. It was there 4 years ago this month that my father died at age 84, just weeks after choosing to become Catholic. I will also be hearing Sacramento State Newman Center Confessions with the Director, Father George Wanser, S. J., Wednesday at 6:30 pm. All of this ample activity, but also the vital ministry of being a priest. With each day since my kidney transplant last August, my return to Sacramento in October, and my assignment In Residence to Sacred Heart in January, I am continuing to show success in being able to resume my former duties fulltime as a priest and to become pastor of a parish again in July. As the final ten days of this Lenten Season lead us to the Easter Triduum, may you fully embrace the Springtime of the Church and our annual commemoration of Holy Week and the Paschal Mystery of Jesus the Christ..........Fr. Troy

Sunday, March 21, 2010


The Word of God today speaks of the abiding Love of the Divine for humankind. First, Isaiah the Prophet describes how the Lord God delivers the Israelites from the bondage of captivity in Babylon. Forgiving their failure to always make their relationship with the Lord the central reality in their lives. John's Gospel Proclamation, the story of the Woman Caught in Adultery, shows how Jesus extends love, mercy, and forgiveness, to sinners, not accusing or condemning her, but yelling her to, "Go and sin no more". That is an instruction we as repentant, contrite, sinners who are Disciples of Jesus are meant to follow. As the days of Lent countdown to the most solemn and significant days in salvation history, open your hearts and minds to being reconciled with God and others, by celebrating the Sacrament of Penance. Most parishes schedule extra Confessions in coming days to give you ample opportunity to confess your sins and receive sacramental absolution. Here at Sacred Heart, there are 11 hours of scheduled between now and Holy Saturday and a Communal Penance Service with multiple confessors this Monday evening March 22.....Also, this afternoon in the church, Dr. Donald Kendrick and 'Schola Cantorum', the Sacred Heart 11 am Mass Choir presented their annual Spring Concert, this year named, "Lenten Choral Mysteries". It was a beautifully awesome presentation of their classic voices in song and music, singing sixteen compositions; beginning with Gregorian Chant and concluding with When I Survey The Wondrous Cross..........As the late Lawrence Welk was known to say, "May You Have A Song In Your Hearts" as the commemoration of the Paschal Mystery nears, Fr. Troy

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Friday night's St. Joseph's Day Lenten Soup Supper at SacHeart Parish Hall, had as the beneficiary of this week's alms, the Easter Seals Society of Superior California. From their Therapy Center at 3205 Hurley Way in Sacramento came three employees who presented on the Help To Recovery Adult Dy Health Care Program, one of the dozens of Speech, Occupational,and Physical Therapies, Easter Seals provides for children, adults, and seniors. The therapies offered in the Sacramento Easter Seals Center to the 13 Counties of Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tuolumne, Yolo, Yuba, are for Children : Early Start Developmental Services; School Age Services; Warm Water Therapy; Suitability Therapy; Pediatric Autism Services; Assistive Technology Resources; Special Family Support Program; and for Adults : Community Based Day Programs; Performing, Culinary, and Fine Arts; Traumatic Brain Injury Services; Work Services and Work Crews; and for Seniors : Warm Water Programs; Arthritis Warm Water Exercise; and One On One Aquatic Therapy. Sacred Heart parishioner, Lisa Madrigal, who was permanently disabled with a traumatic brain injury as a college student fifteen years ago has participated in Easter Seals Help To Recovery Adult Day Health Care Program for the past fourteen years and is now volunteering through the program in the wider community, at the Crocker Art Gallery. I too, have a special gratitude and dedication to the Easter Seals Society in Sacramento. For the nearly twelve years of my youth, that I had to wear a metal orthopedic brace on my left leg, from ages 5-17; the Easter Seals Society and the Crippled Children's Association paid for my bracing in full, to my betterment and of great assistance to my father's nominal Campbell Soup income raising a family of six children. He and mmy mother were responsible for the special Groh's shoes I had to wear at $30-60 a pair, every three months, from the spring of 1962 through the fall of 1973. And so I ask you to join me in supporting and advocrating for the effective therapies the local Easter Seals Center provides in empowering those in need. As we assist them in their work with a Vision that, "People With Disabilities Will Have Equal Opportunity To Live, Learn, Work And Play In Their Community"..........Fr. Troy David

Friday, March 19, 2010


A full church of worshipers were present in St. Joachim's Church in Newman for the Funeral Mass this morning for former Sacramento State University Football Coach Bob Mattos. The Mass at which I presided, as I did at the Rosary Vigil last night, included participation by his sons, Bruce, who was a Lector and Eucharistic Minister, and Doug, who delivered a eulogy after Communion. In the Homily, I spoke of Coach Mattos as a man of, "passion, commitment, optimism, and a can do, will do, spirit". The pallbearers were led by Gary Quattrin, Bob's college room mate, football team mate, assistant Hornets coach, closest friend, close enough as brothers. Coach Mattos' Burial was attended by his Family only and then a Luncheon Reception followed in the Newman Portuguese Hall. Among the mourners present at the funeral were Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns, who was President of the California State University Sacramento during the first half of Coach Mattos' fourteen years as Head Football Coach.....Following my return to Sacramento in the late afternoon, I celebrated the Solemnity of St. Joseph's Day 5:30 pm Mass at Sacred Heart Church and attended the Lenten Soup Supper in Father O'Hara Parish Hall, which included a presentation by representatives of the Sacramento Easter Seals Society, this week's charity to benefit from the Soup Supper Lenten alms..........Peace + Joy Through The Intercession Of Good And Just Man St. Joseph, Who Was The Husband Of Mary, Foster Father Of The Child Jesus, Universal Patron Of The Church And Patron Of Labor, Fr. Troy

Thursday, March 18, 2010


The Family, close friends, hometown neighbors, and childhood classmates, along with his former football players, assistant coaches, and Sacramento State administrators attending Coach Bob Mattos native church was substantially full as I presided at his Rosary Vigil Service tonight. Prayers, Scripture Readings, a Memorial Reflection, Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, Intercessions, a Lighthearted Moment of Remembrance as to a, "How Sweet It Is" !!, (from Jackie Gleason's famous phrase) occurrence in Coach Mattos' high school and college career, and a Solemn Blessing, comprised tonight's liturgical celebration.....Then many of us returned to our Best Western rooms in Patterson, and joined together in the dining and bar area of the inn, to have an informal Portuguese American wake of shared stories and memories of "Bobby", as his mother-in-law called him and with whom I sat at table with for most of the two hours I was there.....His Funeral Mass is at 10 am tomorrow, so an early night and early morning immediately ahead..........Celebrating, Commending, Comemorating, Sac State's Winning-est Football Coach In History, Eternal Life And Light Unto Him, Fr. Troy


I have celebrated the 8 am Sacred Heart Parish Mass, gone and done my bi-weekly blood labs, had my breakfast and am getting ready to head off to the San Joaquin Valley ovenight for the Rosary Vigil tonight and the Funeral Mass and Burial tomorrow, of Bob Mattos, the former, illustrious Sac State Football Coach. I will blog from my room at the Best Western in Patterson, later tonight. I am looking forward to driving down I-5 South on this bright and sunny day. Enjoy this beautiful day between St. Patrick's and and St. Joseph's Days, which is dedicated to St. Cyril of Jerusalem, a 4th Century Bishop and Master Catechist of the Church..........Peace in Christ, Fr. Troy

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


As the enter the last hour of this St. Patrick's Day 2010, I hope, "the lilt of Irish laughter" has filled your day, be it in the wearing of the green, or in the drowning of the shamrock over a pint or a measure, or an Irish breakfast, or (bacon) corned beef and cabbage lunch or dinner, or at a St. Patrick's Day Mass. My St. Patrick's Day began earlier than usual for a Wednesday morning as I drove to St. Rose's / St. Patrick's in South Sacramento, to concelebrate and preach at Msgr. Kavanagh's annual St. Patrick's Day Mass and Irish Breakfast celebration. It was a festive celebration with a full church and a sizable group in the Kavanagh Hall for more than two hours of worship and fellowship. I then headed back to Sacred Heart Parish in East Sacramento to celebrate the Lenten seasonal Mass at McKinley Healthcare Center on 'H' Street, then had a corned beef and cabbage lunch with a pint of root beer (I chose to save my Patrick's day spirit for Joe & Deb Mcamara's annual patronal feast day party on Saturday) at the BonLair British Pub on J Street two blocks down from SacHeart Church, and then tonight the Disciples On The Journey ministry meeting at the home of Martin and Sarah Ruano...I also chatted online, or spoke on the telephone with my friends in Ireland, Fr. Daniel Bollard, Patricia Shortall, Fr. Oliver Maher, all in County Kilkenny; and Stephen and Kay McDaid, in Letterkenny, County Donegal..........St. Patrick's Day PEACE + PRAYERS, Fr. Troy

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The Sacramento Bee's sportswriter Joe Davidson, in his "Hometown Report", this morning did a nice job in the Sports Section, remembering Coach Bob Mattos' after his Sac State coaching days, for the success of his 5 years as Athletic Director at Elk Grove High School, where under his leadership those high school athletes won 66 league titles. He also portrayed him as the true man he was, one who did things the right way and was not intimadated by parents or unhappy fans............Coach Mattos' Funeral Services have been scheduled by his Family, for this Thursday night and Friday morning, March 18th + 19th, at St. Joachim's Church, in Newman, CA, Bob's hometown in the San Joaquin Valley. There will be a Public Viewing from 5-7 pm on Thursday, followed by a Rosary Vigil Service at 7 pm. His Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Friday at 10 am, all the above at St. Joachim's Church, located at 1121 Main Street, in Newman. A Reception will follow the Mass in the local Portuguese Hall. In early to mid April, a Public Memorial Service for Coach Mattos will be held at Sacramento State University. I will blog about the details of that service, once the date and time are finalized.....I am truly grateful to the Coach, his wife Maureen, and sons Bruce and Douglas, for asking me to preside both at the Vigil and Funeral, as well as at the Memorial Service next month..........Today, Msgr. Walton and I completed the Sacred Heart Parish School students Confessions for Lent/Easter this morning, then I made three more Anointing, Reconciliation, and Eucharist, sick calls on homebound parishioners, and then worked on arrangements for the Mattos Funeral with the Pator of St. Joachim's, Fr. Hector Villegas, the Pastorin Newman, who graciously granted me full delegation to preside at the funeral rites. I also spoke with Bob's son Bruce, my Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity brother, about the funeral Vigil and Mass, and selection of the Scripture Readings and Speakers of Remembrance, his Family want to include, at what they desire be an uplifting, Celebration of the Coach's Life..........In, "The Light And Salvation", Of Jesus The Christ, Fr. Troy

Monday, March 15, 2010


Kudos to Bee sports writer, John Schumacher and to the newspaper's Sports Editor, for the story reporting Coach Bob Mattos' passing yesterday of brain cancer at age 68. It was wonderfully written and appropriately placed on the front page of the Sports section of the Sacramento Bee. For as football player and coach, Bob Mattos earned earned the right to be called, "Mr. Hornet"..........This week brings parish pastoral ministries to assist with, including the completion of Lenten parish school Confessions today and tomorrow, and continuation of the seasonal sacramental visits to elderly, infirm, parishioners in the East Sacramento / Midtown neighborhood. The Disciples On The Journey groups are also still gathering weekly in parishioner homes and I will be attending more of those sessions this week. This is the daily work of being a priest in addition to celebrating Mass, that has drawn me to the diocesan priesthood as my vocation. I am pleased that as I immerse myself in a normal schedule of pastoral work again after having to maintain a much lesser schedule the past 3-6 years, that I am succeeding at doing the ministry given to me here at Sacred Heart as a priest, In Residence, without detriment to my health or well being. It Is time for my daily walk in the brilliant sunshine the past few days have brought us..........Peace +Prayers As The Spring Time Of The Church Proceeds, Fr. Troy

Sunday, March 14, 2010


The Entrance Antiphon of the Mass on the 4th Sunday of Lent proclaims, "Rejoice Jerusalem", which is where the name of this midway Sunday of this penitential seasong gets it name, "Laetare Sunday", the LATin word, for REJOICE. Catholic-Christians rejoice in the midst of our acts of repentance, conversion, sacrifice, and self denial, during these 40 Days, for God's desire to be reconciled with Humankind is so immense, that the Heavenly Father sent His Co-Eternal Son into the World to be the perfect sacrifice to conquer sin and death and repair and restore the Divine and Human relationships temporally here on Earth and eternally in Heaven. In our liturgical Gospel Proclamation today from Luke 15: 1-3; 11-32; Jesus delivers the 'Parable of the Prodigal Son', also called the 'Forgiving Father', shares the rejoicing of the father with two sons, who when his dissolute younger son returns after squandering his share of his father's estate, Rejoices in his his absented son home again as the parable quotes the generously forgiving and compassionate father saying, "My son was dead and now is alive; was lost and is now found". The example and lesson for Jesus' hearers and followers, is that we too must be generous in forgiving others and showing compassion for the misfortunate and the erring. And we must be joyful ambassadors for Jesus the Christ in our everyday opportunities evangelizing and encountering others we meet on the journey of life and faith, especially those requiring our forgiveness, reconciliation, compassion or generosity. As you join your lives to the wider world this coming week at home, in your neighborhood, at work, in school, or within the community of believers, How will you be be generous to those in need ? Who will you forgive or be compassionate to ? Where and with whom will you be reconciled ? These are some of the essential questions our Laetare Sunday Scriptures challenge us to address. The answers lie in your willingness to commit to turning away from sin and selfishness, and to truly put God and others in an equal consideration of the love and mercy you share with them..........In Christ Jesus The Lord Whose Ambassadors We Are, Fr. Troy


Bob Mattos a 1960's football player for Sacramento State University, who became one of the best football coaches in Sac State's history in the late 70's and early 80's, passed away this Sunday morning, March 14, from the glio blastoma brain tumor he was diagnosed with in September. He was 68. Funeral arrangements are pending. I have known, respected, and admired, Coach Mattos since my Sac State student days, which were during the period he was the Sac State Football Coach.....I will share more thoughts and memories of Coach Mattos in the days ahead. To his wife Maureen, sons, Douglas and Bruce, and to all their family I extend my sympathies, prayers, Masses, and support. With Faith in the Risen Christ that God will grant Coach Mattos Eternal

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The bookmark Alex's Family distributed at his entombment today at which Fr. Mike Carroll graciously let me bless the crypt, reads as follows.

Alex Mauro
August 22, 1989
March 3, 2010

"I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one,
I'd like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done.
I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways;
Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days.
I'd like the tears of those who grieve to dry before the sun;
Of happy memories that I leave, when life here is done".

And Alex's smiles will now be shining in our hearts and memories and among the angels of Heaven. Farewell my pal, I will be grateful for you and remember you always..........Fr. Troy

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The Funeral Mass for my former parishioner and pal, Alex Mauro tonight was concelebrated by 7 priests, Father Mike Carroll being the presider, and Presentation's current Pastor, Fr. Jeremy, retired Newman Center Director, Fr. Mike Newman, who baptized Alex; Fr. George Wanser, current CSUS Newman Center Director; Jesuit High School President Fr. Greg Bonfliglio, Fr. David , from Christ the King Retreat Center, and yours truly. Fr. Mike Newman received the remains in the remains in the church and blessed Alex's coffin with holy water and also opened and concluded the Prayers of the Faithful; Fr. Mike Carroll prayed over the placing of the Pall on Alex's casket by his Godparents, Steve and Teresa Lavell, and the Family Cross and Bible placed atop it by Alex's brother and sister, David and Stephanie; then Fr. Carroll led the Opening Prayer of the Mass, followed by the First Reading led by Alex's aunt, Joyce Keane, and then the Responsorial Psalm and the Verse Before The Gospel, led by the music ministers who were Mike Bobo and the Cooper Family; The Gospel Proclamation chosen by tthe Mauro Family, Matthew 5 :14-16; which I was asked to proclaim, reads -

"You are the light of the world. A city set upon a hill cannot be hidden.
No one after lighting a lamp puts it under a bushel basket,
but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house.
In the same way, your light must shine before others so that
they may see goodness in your acts and give praise to your Heavenly Father".

A most appropriate Gospel passage describing Alex's life, for with his bright smiles and enthusiasm was the light of his family, school pals, his church faith community, and countless other persons who encountered him during his 20 years, 6 months, and 9 days, among us on earth. Both Fr. Carroll in his homily and Alex's father, Judge Louis Mauro, who both spoke with conviction and courage about Alex's disability and how he became God's instrument of awareness and compassion for others, being a, "candle lighting our lives" .
Fr. George, Fr. David, and Fr. Jeremy, shared solo parts of the Eucharistic Prayer. After the post Communion Memorial Reflection delivered by his father, a slide show showing the chronology of Alex's life was presented. At the conclusion of the Mass, Fr. Greg and Fr. David, led the Prayers of Final Commendation. Twelvve of Alex young cousins then served as Pallbearers leading his casket out of the church. Then all present were invited to Msgr. Higgins Hall for a meal celebrating the loving, impactful, life of son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, godson, neighbor, student, parishioner, and pal, our beloved, Alex Mauro.
The picture of Alex on the front of his Funeral Mass booklet with a broad and happy smile, is my constant experience of him over the past thirty nine months. It is the same kind of happy smile he had from that first Sunday Mass I celebrated in his presence at Presentation, until the Farewell Reception the parish hosted for me in January. And whenever, I think, pray, or remember, Alex and what he means to all of us in his circle, I will smile back at him for loving me and teaching all of what it means to be persons of compassion and love. I / WE LOVE YOU ALEX - NOW AND FOREVER..........Eternal Light + Love With Jesus, the Angels and the Saints, Fr. Troy

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Having heard thirteen more student Confessions this morning and then made another four sick calls to homebound parishioners to celebrate the Sacraments of Anointing, Reconciliation, and Eucharist, with them, I returned to Sacred Heart rectory to write the following blog column after lunch..........In the spirit of Repentance, Conversion, Sacrifice, and Self Denial, as Catholic-Christians we pray, fast, and do charitable works during these 40 Days of Lent in preparation for the Paschal Mystery of Easter. Therefore, Lent is a time of fasting from a number of things, so that we are able to feast on a number of other even more important things. In the words of the poet, William Arthur Ward, in a poem titled, "Fasting And Feasting" he writes,

"Fast from judging others;Feast on the Christ dwelling in them.
Fast from emphasis on differences; Feast on the unity of all life.
Fast from thoughts of illness; Feast on the healing power of God.
Fast from words that pollute; Feast on phrases that purify.
Fast from discontent; Feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger; Feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism; Feast on optimism.
Fast from worry; Feast on divine order.
Fast from complaining; Feast on appreciation.
Fast from negatives; Feast on affirmatives.
Fast from bitterness; Feast on forgiveness.
Fast from self-concern; Feast on compassion for others.
Fast from discouragement; Feast on hope.
Fast from suspicion; Feast on truth.
Fast from thoughts that weaken; Feast on promises that inspire".

May your personal and communal fasting and feasting bring you happiness and joy this Lent and in the Eternal Easter of God's Kingdom..........In The Fruitfulness Of Fasting And Feasting For
Christ, Fr. Troy

Monday, March 8, 2010


Today is my youngest brother Thomas' 49th Birthday and it is also the 33rd anniversary of the election for the Los Rios Community College District Board of Trustees, in which I was a candidate. Here at Sacred Heart today begins six days of parish School Confessions for Msgr.Walton and I, as we celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with each class, one class per day. I then will start Holy Communion and Anointing of the Sick calls to the home bound in the parish, as a Lenten visitation to them over the next two weeks. Additionally, the next three Wednesdays I will be presiding at Mass at each of the three Convalescent Care centers served by Sacred Heart, Saylor Lane, McKinley Manor, and Sherwood.....On the liturgical calendar besides being Monday of the 3rd week of Lent, it is also the Memorial of St. John of God, a sixteenth century shepherd, soldier, and entrepeneur, who was converted to the Catholic-Christian Faith atage 42, and founded the Order of the Hospitallers, numbering 1,300 religious members today. I became acquainted with the St. John of God religious order in Kilkenny, Ireland as their convent was across the road from St. Kieran's College where a number of Sisters served through the years, including Sister "Mother" Gregory, as three generations of lay lads and seminarians, called her; and also at that time they operated a hospital for long term patients, where for the last four years of her life, Mrs. Kavanagh resided and was cared for until her passing in June 1987. St. John of God is the patron saint of hospitals, the sick, nurses, and booksellers..........With Prayers and Blessings For The Health Of Your Body And Soul, Fr. Troy

Sunday, March 7, 2010


On this 3rd Sunday of Lent, as parishes celebrate the First Scrutiny of the Rite of Christian Initiation, the Sacred Scriptures speak to us not only of Repentance and Conversion, but the necessity of Compassion. In the Book of Exodus we hear how Moses who was called by the Lord God in the burning bush to lead His Chosen People back to the Promised Land from captivity in Egypt, did so until he ran afoul of the Egyptians and fled. But Moses' compassion for his own people in bondage, caused Moses to return and deliver them from their oppression. That is the lesson Jesus is teaching us as His Disciples in the first part of our Gospel Proclamation from St. Luke today. Like all Galileans and other sinners in the Gospel story, every person equally deserves our compassion for that is what is expected of us by our compassionate and merciful God. To illustrate this point in my Sunday homily today I told the story of my near four year experience of knowing and being friends with my Presentation parishioner pal, Alex Mauro who passed away on Wednesday night at age 20, while undergoing surgery. The lessons of compassion Alex taught me and so many others during his twice abbreviated life : first by the drunken driver whose crashing into their family van left Alex physically and intellectually disabled; and then in his sudden death during spinal fusion surgery this past Wednesday.....Who will you be called upon to show compassion for this week, this Lent, this year ??? Each of us as Christian Disciples are given ample opportunities to be compassionate, if only we remain alert to the needs for compassion surrounding us. As People of God we must break through and overcome layers of unawareness and indifference that will otherwise keep us oblivious and unresponsive. What are you and will you do to make compassion and empathy for others who need a central response of your Discipleship in Christ Jesus ?..........May Your Compassion Put Your Faith In Action, Fr. Troy

Friday, March 5, 2010


Today, March 5th, is the Feast Day of St. Kieran of Ossory, Bishop of the Church, Irish Apostle and contemporary of St. Patrick, and Patron of the Diocese of Ossory, which includes Counties Kilkenny and a portion of Offaly, in Ireland. Born in the 4th Century, in a place known as Cape Clear, now called St. Kieran's Strand, he is thought to have been converted to Christianity by foreign traders. Ordained a priest and bishop in Rome, he returned to Ossory and ministered to the Diocese as its Bishop, having founded a monastery in the northern region of the former kingdom, now diocese, of Ossory, in a location named Seir-Kieran. In 1780, the British Penal Laws in Ireland were abolished thus the Catholic Faith was again allowed to openly exist. The first ecclesiastical college founded just two years later in 1782, was St. Kieran's College and Seminary, in the city of Kilkenny. More than two dozen Irish priests ordained for the Sacramento Diocese, including yours truly, were trained and formed at St. Kieran's Seminary. The Catholic cathedral in Kilkenny, is called St. Mary's, but is actually St. Mary's / St. Kieran's Cathedral. My St. Kieran's seminary classmate Father Oliver Maher is now in his tenth Year as Parochial Administrator ofthe Cathedral in Kilkenny. A Happy St. Kieran's Day to the faithful in Ossory, the priests who are alumni of St. Kieran's Seminary, and the spirit of faith and fidelity to Gospel values their evangelization serves and prospers........."Heims Transit", (Winter Is Past) In Jesus The Christ, Fr. Troy David Powers
Certificate in Theology 1987, SKC

Thursday, March 4, 2010


As I received the news last night that my Presentation parishioner pal, Alex Mauro has passed away, my prayers for him and his family led me to ponder how it coincides with the memorial anniversaries of my colleague Father Oliver Maher's mother Noreen, and my late diocesan colleague Father Richard Doheny, both of which are today March 4th, and my own father's fourth anniversary which is tomorrow. "Mother" Maher, as I called Oliver's Mum, died on this day in 2001. She was a native of County Cork in Ireland and married Oliver Joseph Maher of Freshford, County Kilkenny in 1956, having seven children with him; Fr. Oliver is the third of their seven children, with two older and one younger, brothers, and three sisters younger than him. His mother was a vivacious and active woman, whether raising and caring for her family, working in their family business, or in her religious, social, and athletic pursuits in the village of Freshford, and Kilkenny city, as well as her beloved Cork...Father Richard Doheny, a priest of the Sacramento Diocese and the Pastor of the parishes of Quincy, Florin, and Fair Oaks, for a total of 51 years, passed away four years ago today. He was a lifelong friend of Msgr. Kavanagh, as their native Irish communities of Gortnahoe and Urlingford, are each on the either side of the Kilkenny / Tipperary counties boundary. Completing his seminary studies in Thurles, County Tipperary in 1948, he was ordained to the priesthood for the Sacramento Diocese on June 13th of that year and upon arrival in California served for his first assignment as Assistant Pastor in Angels Camp, then for five years in Marysvillle, when in 1954 he was appointed Pastor of St. John's Parish, Quincy; and then St. Paul's Parish, Florin in 1960; and in 1976 he became Pastor of St. Mel's Parish, Fair Oaks...My own father Troy Doil Powers, was born and grew up in Rison, Cleveland County, Arkansas, who during the Great Depression, was part of the Civilian Conservation Corps and sent to Oregon as a teenager to work with the CCC. That led him into the U.S. Navy Seabees, during World War II. After the War he migrated to California in 1947, and settled in South Sacramento where in 1950 he met and married my mother and where at the same time sixty years ago, he built our family home, where my youngest brother still lives. He worked for Dolan's Lumber for three years until the rain storms of 1950, led to massive layoffs. Within weeks after being laid off, he acquired a job at the Campbell Soup Company, where he worked for thirty two and a half years, primarily as an Assistant Electrician. He retired from Campbell Soup in 1984, and in 1988 returned part-time for eleven years to live, work, hunt, and fish, in his native Arkansas. Returning home permanently to California in 1999, he continued residing in our family home with my brother Thomas, until he was diagnosed with a glio blastoma brain tumor in mid October 2005, and died on March 5, 2006, at age 84. I share these memories in prayerful remembrance and in affirmation of what I have preached at funerals for several years : "The greatest treasure each of us possess of a loved one who dies, is the Treasury of Memories we have of sharing love with them. It is a treasure that human death cannot destroy". Please continue to pray for the angelic soul of my pal, Alex Mauro and his grieving family, as you pray and ponder your own circle of memorial anniversaries...........God's Light + Love, Fr. Troy

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Very sad and unexpected news, came to me just over an hour ago, that my 20 year old Presentation parishioner and pal, Alex Mauro, passed away suddenly in surgery tonight. His grandmother Rose, stopped at Sacred Heart rectory at 8:20 pm on her way home from the hospital to let me know. Alex was a special and wonderful part of my life the past 3 years and 9 months, as we connected and bonded from my first Sunday at Presentation in June 2006. As an infant, Alex was permanently disabled when a senseless accident caused by a drunk driver, crashed into the Mauro Family van. But the love his parents and family gave him all these twenty years and the love and happiness Alex exuded back to everyone including me, was always evident. May God be good to him in Eternal Life. Please lift him up in your prayers tonight and in coming days and pray too, for his mother and father, Donna and Louis, his brother and sister, David and Stephanie, his grandmother Rose, and all their family, as they endure the pain of human separation from him and grieve his loss. I thank God for making Alex a memorable part of my life. We love you Alex as you go to God now to smile on us from heaven and in our hearts, forever Amen..........Peace + Prayers For Alex In The Risen Christ Jesus, Fr. Troy, >>> your priest pal....................


Yesterday was a very full priestly, pastoral, ministerial, weekday for me. Presiding at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish's 8 am Mass, spending over an hour counseling a seriously conflicted married couple, whose marriage is one of the 151 marriages I have officiated at as a transitional deacon and priest; and a poignant sick call visit to the Rancho Murieta home of a man I have had the privilege to know for 33 years, Coach Bob Mattos, to administer the Sacrament of Anointing and a Final Blessing, as he has just days to live. He, his wife, and sons, decided early in the year when the end neared they would invite to spend a sacramental and social visit with them and after anointing and absolving him, we sat together recalling memories and stories of his life together. Then today, my Presentation Parish pal, 20 year old Alex Mauro, is undergoing an extensively lengthy surgery on his back fusion, as his vital organs are being infringed upon. As of this hour Alex has been in surgery for nearly ten hours with more hours yet to completion. I spoke with his mother an hour ago to personally and pastorally check in and monitor how things are going for dear Alex. I am asking you to join me in prayers for these three situations and for the many who like them are undergoing such harrowing and difficult experiences. Professing as Catholic-Christian Disciples belief in the Great Commandment of Jesus, to Love God and to Love our Neighbor as we Love Ourselves, means exactly that - praying, remembering, lifting up, empathizing, with those enduring hardship, suffering and sorrow. So please in the days and months ahead, keep these intentions in your prayers and remembrances at Mass. And as I prayed over Coach Mattos last night in commendation, "May the Lord bless you and keep you, Amen. May the Lord make His Face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, Amen. May the Lord give you peace, Amen. That is the well known passage from the Book of Numbers. And if you know anything about me, you know how I employ numbers..........God Is Good, So Be God For God and Others, Fr. Troy

Monday, March 1, 2010


Who do you know of that is of Welsh ancestry or affiliation ? Dylan Thomas, the poet, Richard Burton, the actor, Tom Jones, the singer, and Charles Windsor, Prince of Wales, are among them.
But the most significant Welsh citizen of in human history is a man of the 6th and 7th Century of Christianity, who was a military and church leader - St David of Wales, Bishop and Confessor.
On this Monday of the 2nd Week of Lent, St. David, Bishop and Confessor, the patron saint of the Welsh, is on the liturgical calendar. He is venerated by the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Worldwide Communion, and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Being I am named Troy David, he is one of the three patron saints I look to in my life. The other two being St. Charles Borromeo, on whose feast day Nov. 4th, I was born, and St. Edward the Confessor, calendared on Oct. 13th. I was baptized as Troy David in 1957, and confirmed as Charles Edward in 1971. St. David of Wales is commemorated by the Welsh on March 1, by the wearing of leeks in their hats. Belonging to the Welsh royal family in the 6th Century and having a military background, David was the founder of a monastic order, whose monks only drank water, not wine or beer, thus David became known as the, "Waterman"; and they plowed the fields without use of an ox, as one of St. David's rules was, "Every man his own ox". The wearing of leeks or daffodils, on St. David's Day originates from his instruction to the Welsh during their war against the Saxons in the 6th Century, to wear leeks in their hats to distinguish themselves from the enemy. The Welsh also celebrate their patron's feast day by drinking water and eating, "cawl", (pronounced cowl) a brothy, meaty, soup-stew. St. David is thought to have died between 544 and 601, A.D., And so as we continue our Lenten journey of prayerful repentance, conversion, and sacrifice, let us intercede to St. David Bishop and Confessor, that we will worthily confess our sins and be fully reconciled with God and others as we celebrate Easter 2010. St. David, Pray For Us..........Fr. Troy
.....St. David's Day also has for me a St. Edward connection. I chose the
Confirmation name in large measure for Msgr. Edward J. Kavanagh.
On March 1, 1982, the St. Rose / St. Patrick Social Center was dedicated.
Since June 6, 1998, the Golden Jubilee of his Priesthood, it has been rededicated the Monsignor Kavanagh Hall..........








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