Monday, May 31, 2010


7:15 AM - Today's Memorial Day holiday, which has become the three day weekend that marks the unofficial start of summer, the occasion for barbeques, a jazz festival, and other fun and recreational activities with families and friends, is primarily a day of commemoration. What we today know as Memorial Day, began shortly after the conclusion of the War Between the States, the American Civil War in the 1860's. It was originally called, "Decoration Day", for it was a day on which northern, Union families decorated the graves of their loved ones who died fighting in our Civil War. Now we observe it as a national, federal holiday in memory of all the men and women who have served our nation in the military, in the causes of peace and war. Community based commemorations, parades, picnics, barbeques, and church services comprise the day in localities throughout the United States..........
3:45 PM - My Memorial Day celebration thus far has included concelebrating the 10 am Mass at St. Mary's Cemetery in South Sacramento with Msgr. Kavanagh and then visits with him to several St. Rose parishioners, inclusing two of them in the UC Davis Medical Center. One of the patients, Brad Dahlberg, is a young man in his late thirties / early forties, who I trained as an altar server at St. Rose's some thirty years ago. For the past ten years he has endured a medical challenge caused by a brain tumor and unfortunately he is struggling with it again. Msgr. Kavanagh and I visited with him and his mother and father, Irene and Ted, and one of Brad's longtime friends, and celebrated the Anointing of the Sick with him. The Dahlbergs are a family I got to know well in my lay ministry and seminary years, as they are faithful St. Rose's parishioners, and among other activities we manned the parish fireworks booth together for a number of years. This evening I will be attending the Jubilarian Dinner with Msgr. Kavanagh and the other priests of the Sacramento as we pay tribute to the priests who are celebrating 25, 40, and 50, 60 years, of priestly ministry this year...........The Jubilarians being honored tonighthave served the Saceramento Diocese as priests for a combined 645 years..........Thank You to the for their milestone years in the Priesthood of Jesus Christ serving the People of God that are the Church of Sacramento. With 3 new priests ordained for service in these 20 counties of our Diocese, may they over the next 60 years follow the faithful example of the 2010 Jubilarians !!!!!!!!!!..........As We Pray And Work For Many More Native Vocations From And For The Sacramento Diocese, Fr. Troy

Sunday, May 30, 2010


The week following my graduation from California State University Sacramento, in 1979, I sat down with Msgr. Edward J. Kavanagh, my Pastor at St. Rose's Church in South Sacramento, to discuss the possibility of his sending me on behalf of the parish, to a Youth Ministry Convention, in San Diego that summer. After more than an hour of trying to convince him of the merits of what to him was a new fangled concept, and not the tried and true CYO, the Catholic Youth Organizatiion, of which he was and is, a big fan and supporter of, he agreed to send me to see what it was all about. It was a wonderful week and among its many memorable moments for me was a video tape they showed us on, The Holy Trinity. It was produced by the Paulist Fathers, for their Sunday morning television program, "INSIGHT". For three decades the Insight television program presented 30 minute dramas with a moral lesson to impart, performed by Catholic actors in Hollywood. Paulist Father Elwood Kieser, was the host of the program. The Holy Trinity episode offered an understanding of the Trinity that custom made to the young, but helpful to all ages in grasping how God can be One Being and Yet Three Persons. God the Father was protrayed an a very old man ,white headed and gray bearded, who was firm, yet fair. God the Son was a young man, full of ideas and energy, ever obedient to his Father. The Holy Spirit was portrayed by a young black woman, named Grace. The three of them were distinct persons, but with a oneness of being as they interacted with each other. That is one analogy to help us enter the sublime mystery of the Holy Trinity, which is thought by many theologians to be our most complex of Catholic-Christian doctrines. Let me speak about two more analogies that enlighten us about the Holy Trinity. Thanks to St. Patrick and his evangelization and conversion of Ireland in the 4th Century, we have the example of the Shamrock. A shamrock helps explain the doctrine of the Trinity, for a shamrock is one flowering plant, with three distinct portions, like the One God in Three Persons. Or perhaps a more scientific example will help underscore our doctrinal belief in the Holy Trinity. The example of H2O, Water - that is fluid liquid, yet also frozen ice, and evaporated steam; three different manifestations of one substance. As we celebrate our Catholic-Christian Sunday especially focused on The Holy Trinity, how do you understand or explain your belief in a Triune God ? One of the ways I see it is as the Unity and Diversity of the completeness and the perfection of the Supreme Being of the Universe, is so wholistically magnificent as to be manifested in the fullness of Love, and the power and splendor of a Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier, who gloriously interact, so as to commune with humankind now and always..........In The Love And Peace Of The Eternal Holy Trinity Of God, Fr. Troy

Friday, May 28, 2010


On this day, May 28, 1886, what had begun under the Most Reverend Bishop Eugene O'Connell, as the Vicariate of Marysville in 1860, and the Diocese of Grass Valley in 1868, was transferrred and erected as the Diocese of Sacramento, by his successor, the Most Reverend Bishop Patrick Manogue, who was the founding Bishop of the what became the Sacramento Diocese. Today, as we open the 125th year of our existence as a diocesan Church, under our 9th Bishop, the Most Reverend Jaime Soto, with 103 parishes, spread throughout 20 counties of Northern California, it is more vutal than ever that we provide for the pastoral, spiritual, moral, catechetical, sacramental, charitable, and social, ministries of the People of God in our Sacramento Diocese. Many more priests, sisters, brothers, deacons, and lay ministers, are needed to provide for and serve these needs of being Church in the 3rd Millennium. Families and parishes must commit steadfastly to not only praying for Church Vocations, but actively promote them, by encouraging your children, grandchildren, and young adults, in parishes to seriously consider and discern their potential for a vocation to the priesthood, religious life, and diaconate. By participating in the lay ministries of your parish, is one of the further ways they may be inspired to decide to dedicate their lives to serving God and our Diocese by a Church Vocation. What is your family and your parish doing to pray, promote, and provide, native vocations from your own homes and churches?? Recruiting more priests, religious, deacons, and lay ministers, is not somebody else's responsibilty, it is EVERYBODY'S RESPONSIBILITY !!! And that means YOU and ME !!!!!!!!!!..........In The Hopeful Expectation That Our Families And Parishes Will Continue To Provide MANY MORE CHURCH VOCATIONS For the Lord's Vineyard of the Sacramento Diocese, Fr. Troy

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Every school child learns the saying, "April showers bring May flowers". But this year April showers brought many more May rains, as a checkered Spring of untypical weather, much of it precipitation that does not usually rain down o us in May, has been a mainstay this month. As Disciples of Jesus the Christ, God delegates to us oversight for the Stewardship of Creation,
specifically the Earth. Thus we must conserve the air, waters, natural resources, atmosphere, and the land. By judiciously conserving the earth's elements we protect our lives and preserve the essential use and beauty of their existence. The current five week BP oil spill is another drastic reminder of the danger to human life, animal and acquatic life, and the beaches and shores of our coasts. The volcanic ash adversely affecting much of Europe the past two months, is beyond purely human control but requires vigilance and responses that clear the fall-out while avoiding harm to creation. The unpredictabilty of unseasonal rain is said by some meteorological professionals to be caused by El Nino, the extraordinary weather system that has occurred every so many years in recent decades. Yet other scientific experts attest to global warming as the cause for erosion of the atmosphere and the shifts in temperatures and weather. Once again I am advocating as I have in other blog columns this week, adherence to a sound morality and Gospel values, that serve the common good and honors our stewardship of the earth in a responsible, pro-active, means that glorifies God and provudes a safe, secure, healthy, way for humankind and all Creation. Whatever your personal or political opinions are on these aforementioned subjects, try to see it with the eyes and hearts of faith and good stewardship. Should the rains persist through the end of the month, the month of May will fade away next Monday at midnight. But Creation will continue on the timeline only the Divine knoiws. Therefore, we as God's People entrusted to be good stewards of Creation's resources, must be conservers of the environment. We must be conscientious and responsible preservers of the nature and wonders of the Earth, while being developers of technologies that will assist all humankind in meeting the needs of the nations of the world, without damaging or depleting the splendor of the Universe. It is an awesome challenge and an even greater responsibility, if indeed we are to honor God's trust in us and prove to be worthy and faithful stewards of the natural order of Creation..........In The Trust And Confidence Of The Living And True God,
Fr. Troy

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Tuesday night, a majority of the Sacramento City Council directed staff to draft a resolution for consideration and debate, as to whether the City of Sacramento should officially oppose the new illegal immigration law in Arizona. Some 80 persons spoke before the City Council on this issue before an overflow crowd in the City Hall Council Chamber, in both support and opposition to the idea, which if passed, will cause Sacramento City to join the City of Los Angeles and other municipalities around the country who have thus far declared their opposition to the new Arizona law. This is a certainly a tough issue, as illegal immigration into the United States is a real problem, but at the same time in addressing the issue of how to solve our illegal immigration difficulties, their are both legal and moral dimensions which need to be the driving forces behind any solution to the problem, not just politics. The bottom line is the constitionality of this or any law is essential, as is the humane and dignified treatment of the human person, in this as in, all matters. As the Arizona law is enacted, it allows law enforcement officials to question, detain, or investigate, any Hispanic or Latino person in the state whom they suspect may be an illegal immigrant. Thus scores of legal, native born, or naturalized Latino-Americans may well be held on suspicion merely because of their ethnicity, which is racial profiling and more than borderline prejudice and discrimination. Add to the current situation that the Obama Administration, like the Bush Administration previously, is stepping up enforcement and security at our borders with Mexico, and the President has proposed a $500 million increase in spending on border security, only to have Arizona's senior US Senator from Arizona, locked in a tight nomination fight with a Tea Party sponsored Republican opponent, declare the stepped up enforcement and spending are not enough !! So how much of this law and the issue of illegal immigration is politically motivated and being strategically manipulated for political gain ? Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who inherited the Office, sixteen months ago and who is running for election in November, may well be supporting and advocating the law she signed as much out of political posturing, as out of principled promblem solving. And my greatest concern is not the politics, but the morality of Arizona's new illegal immigration law. Both common courtesy and civility, and even more importantly, our Catholic-Christian moral and spiritual values, teach us to uphold the inherent dignity of the human person, from the moment of conception to natural death. We are not permitted by our core beliefs to degrade, or devalue, the life whether they be young, or old, poor, or rich, legal, or illegal, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or gender. And that is applicable to the newest fetus in the womb, to the oldest living person in the world. So whether or not the Sacramento City Council adopts a resolution to boycott Arizona, in protest to this egregious illegal immigration law, the approach to addressing and resolving the problem that exists, must supersede politics and reflect moral and spiritual values, as well as the objective truth. Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, who is seeking a strong mayor form of government, also needs to show true leadership in this matter, which would bring some credilbility to his quest, by taking a firm, uniequivocal, stand - rather than declaring one position and within the same day reversing himself, due to subjective, self serving, personal, or political persuasions. That's only more politics and not principled problem solving. Let us rremember that the long decades of struggle against apartheid finally succeeded in large part, because much of the world stood up in protest through boycotts, advocacy, and persuasive power, sowing the seeds for responsible change to be cultivated by South Africans. There are proven lessons to be learned and objective truths to be applied, that can shape a consensus response to the problem of illegal immigration into the United States, without undermining the freedoms, liberties, and opportunities, of our own legal citizens..........Asking In This As In All Challenging And Difficult Situations, "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO ?????", Reverend Father Troy David Powers

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This week we have completed our two consecutive liturgical high seasons Lent and Easter, for a combined 95 days, and we as Catholics have returned to Ordinary Time, which is the longest Church Season of the Liturgical Year. Ordinary Time, named for the numbering of the Sundays and weekdays outside of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, comprises thirty three and a half weeks of the year. But there is nothing strictly ordinary about Ordinary Time. During Ordinary Time we continue to celebrate the sacred mysteries of Word, Eucharist, prayer, worship, and ministry, that define our lives as Catholic-Christians. Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the values inherent in being People of God, is an everyday reality for Catholic-Christian Disciples truly committed to their Faith. We do not put on and then take off our baptismal garment of living faith at our convenience, but strive to do our utmost to lead lives of faith, fellowdhip, and fidelity. We bear witness to what we profess as believers in the Living and True God, by who we are, what we do, and we do it, within both the Church and the wider world of our homes, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, and civic communities. As you begin this segment of Ordinary Time 2010, what part will your witness, ministry, and charity, play in your daily lives and the everyday opportunities presented to you, to do something pro-active as a Disciple of Jesus the Christ ? You possess the power of God's Spirit to make a difference here and now that can and will, serve the common good. And by serving the common good we achieve two significant goals of being Catholic-Christians : the building up of God's Kingdom by our constructive interaction with others and we affirm the greater glory of God our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, without whom we are persons without the promise and hope of being anything more than finite humans and not the People of a loving, eternal, God..........Peace + Prayers, Fr. Troy

Monday, May 24, 2010


Several times in recent days the topic of why many Catholic families are increasingly finding reasons not to attend Sunday Mass on a weekly or even regular basis, has come up in my circle of friends and fellow believers. The most common responses we are hearing include Sunday sports to be played or watched; traveling and not bothering to find a church; attending social events with family and friends; shopping; because going to Church is boring; and the one I consider the number one excuse, "we are too busy" !.....Never mind that Sunday is the Lord's Day, the Day of the Resurrection, and a Day of Rest, and celebrating Sunday Eucharist is the essential touchstone of our Catholuc-Christian Discipleship. Yet presently in the United States weekly Sunday Mass attendance hovers below fifty percent of all Catholics, in some instances as low as thirty percent. And many of those non-attending Catholic families are not totally detached from the Catholic Church, but are cultural and conditional Catholics. They enroll their children in parish schools and Catholic high schools, but the Catholic-Christian Faith is not their priority or concern, - if anything it is little more than minimal concern to them. Everything else in their overcrowded and busy lives : work, school, sports, leisure; are more important to them than is religion and the practice of their faith in the community of believers. The response for not attending Sunday Mass, "We are too BUSY", is the real chestnut. If in a 7 day, 168 hour week, any Catholic-Christian is, TOO BUSY, to give back to God and the Church, one hour or so, to pray, worship, minister, in the gathered community of believers and the celebration of Word and Eucharist, then their lives are off the rails and they are selfishly rationalizing away, their baptismal obligation and discipleship opportunity, to fulfill Jesus' Paschal Mystery command, "Do This In Memory Of Me". Calling ourselves Catholic, or professing to be a Christian, is not sufficent in themselves. We must be true to practicing our Faith and participating in living as Disciples of Jesus the Christ. Today's Gospel Reading for Monday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time, underscores my point about our values and priorities as Catholic-Christians. Our wealth, possessions, or worldly pleasures, will not suffice to get us into God's Kingdom. Over reliance on these temporal things make them a true obstacle to getting into Heaven. The institutional Church must challenge conditional, lackadaiscal, Easter / Christmas, special occasion, Catholics to fully embrace and practice their Christian Faith. Parish communities, parochial schols, and Catholic high schools, must uphold the standard that Sunday Mass is not an optional extra, but an essential component for participation. Otherwise we shall continue to witness the minimalizing of the Body of Christ and give license to allowing the Community of Believers to be used for selfish gain and not the common good. Building up God's Kingdom by the faithful and fruitful witness we bear daily and weekly, as Catholic-Christians,-not status, privilege, or misplaced priorities, are who we are meant to be, as members of the Church Jesus founded..........
Fr. Troy

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Fifty days after Jesus' Resurrection the Apostles were huddled together in the upper room fearful that they would be the next to suffer and die, because they were followers of the Christ. Their faith in His Messiahship was incomplete, for although they had followed and learned from Jesus and were witnesses to His New and Risen Life, the Apostles had not yet received the Holy Spirit. True to His promise before Ascending into Heaven to send them The Spirit to be their Advocate and their strength, fifty days after His Resurrection and ten days following the Ascension Jesus the Christ fulfilled the promise and the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles. That same Spirit continues to descend upon the Church and the World through twenty one centuries and into the 3rd Millennium of Catholic-Christians. On this Pentecost Sunday 2010, we too as Disciples of the Risen, Ascended, Spirit Sending, Jesus are imbued with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and empowered by the Spirit to share our own gifts and talents for the common good of the community of believers and the wider world and the greater glory of the Living and True God. On January 25, 1959, Pope John XXIII, in announcing the calling of the Second Vatican Council proclaimed, "A New Pentecost", for the Church. That Ecumenical Council ushered in a New Pentecost of renewal and reform that allows the Spirit of God to truly permeate the life and mission of Catholic-Christianity to effectively live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 16 Documents promulgated nearly unanimously by 2,500 bishops from around the world at Vatican II, are the touchstone for the teachings and practices we follow as post concilar, twenty furst century Catholic-Christians. They are recommended reading for serious and sincere current Disciples who truly want to live the "New Pentecost", God's Holy Spirit brings to the Church today. As you celebrate the conclusion of this Easter Season and the New Pentecost of this Year of the Lord 2010, what are you doing to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit in your personal and communal living of the Gifts and Fruits of Faith and Fellowship, the Spirit is empowering you to share ?..........COME HOLY SPIRIT COME, AND ENKINDLE IN US THE FIRE OF DIVINE LOVE, Fr. Troy

Saturday, May 22, 2010


As we celebrate Pentecost and the renewed coming of the Holy Spirit into the life of the Church and the World, a New Pentecost is occurring nine months after my kidney transplant, in the priestly ministry God intends for me to continue and the Church ordained me to carry out, 23 years ago in the Sacramento Diocese. Bishop Jaime Soto, in consultation with the Priests' Personnel Board, has appointed me Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Del Paso Heights / Rio Linda, in North Sacramento, effective July 1, 2010. I am grateful to the Bishop and the Board, for the opportunity to lead and serve the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes, where I lived In Residence for seven months in 2004-05. It is the parish Rev. Fr. Anthony Traynor is the Pastor Emeritus of. For the next five and a half weeks I will continue In Residence, with Rev. Msgr. Robert Walton, at Sacred Heart Parish in East Sacramento, through June 30.....More to come about all this in the days and weeks ahead.......... In Gratitude For God's Spirit Of Strength, Sustenance, And Sanctification, Fr. Troy


Last night, I was invited to dinner by a St. John the Baptist Church parishioner in Folsom, Elaine Massey, who for the past twenty two years I have known, worked with, and cherished as a special friend. A retired teacher and school administrator, she has for many decades been a very active participant in the Folsom parish, serving in a multitude of ministries through the years for the betterment of the St. John's church community. During my three and a half years as Associate Pastor in Folsom, Elaine served with the Pastor Rev. Fr. Wiliam Kinane and I, very well. She was always there, ready to help in getting any and all parish projects done with aplomb, effectiveness, efficiency, and vision. When the current St. John the Baptist Parish church was built and decicated 20 years ago, I had the good fortune to work closely with with Elaine and the New Church Dedication Committee, in preparing the Solemn Liturgy and Dedication Dinner celebration. She and I even appeared together on Channel 10's public affairs program at that time, "A New Morning", hosted by my fiend Jean LaMotte, to talk about the Dedication Celebration. And through the eighteen since I moved on from the Folsom parish, Elaine and I have remained friends, and she has proven to be a faithful supporter of me and my priestly ministry. Last summer she rallied the Folsom parishioners to support me during the time of my kidney transplant and convalescence. That is the kind of caring, considerate, and conscientious, woman of faith, fellowship, collegiality, and collaboration, with and for others, she is. Now widowed, she continues to serve in the various ministries of St. John the Baptist Parish with the current Pastor, Rev. Fr. Rey Bersabol, just as she did with Fr. Kinane and his successor, Rev. Fr. Ignatius Haran. She and her late husbank, Clarke, raised two sons ans she now also spends quality time with them and their families in the Bay Area and Reno, and savors her grandchildren. Friday night she served Fr. Rey and I, a delicious dinner and a delightful evening of conversation. I am blessed to have her as a friend, just as the Folsom parishioners are graced with her presence as a fellow believer and neighbor, who makes a true difference in the betterment of our lives. God continue to bless you Elaine..........In The Faith, Fellowship, And Friendships, We Share As Believers In The Spirit Sending, Risen And Ascended Christ, Fr. Troy

Friday, May 21, 2010


In yesterday's Sacramento Bee Our Region section on the front page there was a feature story entitled, "Inspired by Jackie Robinson, girl writes of brother's bravery". This wonderful story is about an essay written by an 8th Grade student at Presentation Parish School in Arden area of Sacramento, Stephanie Mauro - the sister of my late friend Alex, who died in March. Stephanie's essay was written for the Breaking Barriers contest sponsored by Major League Baseball, as a memorial to the pioneering African American baseball player, Jackie Robinson. The concept of the essay contest is to contrast Robinson's trailblazing accomplishments and values as a Hall of Fame baseball player, with the challenge of being the first black to play in the major leagues, by recognizing students who facing near insurmontable challenges, have broken through to success. Alex Mauro, who was traumatically and permanently injured when he was thirteen months old, lived with the, "neurological devastation", of his disabilities for the remaining years of his life, until he passed away two and a half months ago at age 20. Stephanie wrote how her brother Alex struggled and the impact it had on her and her family writing, "My life was so much different because of him". And upon learning she was the winner of the essay contest, "Most people don't think about the family of the disabled person. It affects everyone around them. It's hard to go through. Most people don't talk about it". Stephanie's essay was chosen for the grand prize from among 9,000 essays submitted in this fourteenth annual competition which was started by Jackie Robinson's daugther Sharon, who is an MLB education consultant, "to help students identify strategies to overcome obstacles using the values her dad personified". Sharon Robinson went on to say, "We look at how well the children define the oobstacles in ttheir life and how they have grown from it; Stephanie has come out of this as a real advocate for people with disabilities. She hhas shown a lot of maturity". For winning the essay contest, Stephanie and her 8th Grade teacher, Rita Casagrande, each wil receive a laptop computer and Stephanie will attend the Baseball All Star Game in July, with Sharon Robinson. In addition to chronicling her brother Alex's story in her winning essay, Stephanie also wrote of her deceased grandfather, Carmen Mauro, who was a Broklyn Dodgers teammate of Jackie Robinson in 1953. A job well done Stephanie.....Kudos and Congratulations and Thank You for sharing the lasting value of Alex's life and the role he played in reminding others just how special and precious Life is..........
In The Spirit of Family, Fidelity, And The Fruitfulness We As Human Beings Bear, Fr. Troy

Thursday, May 20, 2010


With the Golden State of California, like much of the nation and the world contending with unprecendented financial disaster, due to the economic crisis that persists, the 2010 race for Governor shows how out of sync with current realities leading contenders for the State's top office are. The obscene, (and I use that word as an apt description of what we are witnessing) spending by the candidates to best each other and win a nomination to vie for Governor in November, is astronomical. It is cluttering the airwaves with attack ads and nastyness that tells us very little about how effective the candidates may be as Governor, and more about how much money they possess in personal wealth and their willingness to expend tens of millions of dollars each, upwards of $100 million to date, with nearly three weeks left until Primary Election Day. I argue this is capitalism run amok. High campaign spending can propel a political unknown or a neophyte candidate into a commanding lead in the polls, as candidate identity, and not necessarily their record of accomplishment gains them support. In this race a seemingly inpenetrable fifty point lead fueled by several months of unresponded to spending by one candidate, when answered by the other candidate spending millions more, has shrunk to single digits, serves no one but the candidates, their campaigns, the media, and their political consultants. Better governing and a sound, tested, proven, record meriting nomination or election, and a solid plan to address the real issues and concerns facing California at this very critical time should be te criteria for running and winning. From my youth as a young college student majoring in Political Science and Government, to the present more than three decades later, I have always argued for continuous reform of ALL our institutions and structures. Campaign spending and influence peddling need to be reigned in, so that policy proposals not how much money a candidate collects or expends, determine the leaders we choose to govern and address the maladies confronting us. If the Primary Election for Governor of California on June 8, has already seen these record shattering amounts of mmoney infused, how much more will the General Election this November soar to ? Unless we demand and enact the reform of campaign structures and election spending limits, we risk the further unraveling of our precious California, and allowing the most monied and power seeking to buy their way into one of the highest offices in the land, without revealing anything more than their desire to attain it..........In The Hopeful Spirit Of Reform And Renewal For California, Fr. Troy

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


In the Gospel Prclamation for this Tuesday of the 7th Week of Easter, John 17:1-11a; the Risen Jesus prays for His Disciples, before Ascending, that they, meaning we - will affirm and embrace the glory of God He has shared from time immemorial and shares anew in the glorification of the Paschal Mystery. In this gospel passage Jesus distinguishes between His true Disciples who are in the world, and those who are more, if not merely, of the world. The worldly we tend to think of as being powerful, affluent, persons of privilege, who are often irreligious, unbelievers, even secular humanists. Yet not all in what Jesus refers to as those, "of the world" versus, "in the world", are just unbaptized or non-believers, but sadly include a high number of persons who profess to be Catholic-Christians, but seldom practice or witness to their Faith. In the USA, practicing, witnessing, Catholics are the largest Christian denomination. But by far the second largest catergory of American Christians are non-practicing, Christmas & Easter, or special occasion only Catholics ! These minimalist Catholic-Christians proudly proclaim themselves Catholic, yet hardly mirror the values and way of life that denotes discipleship as a Catholic-Christian believer. They suscribe to the magic view of Faith and Church, rather than enter into the sacred mysteries of God's Word and the Eucharist, much less the prayer, worship, and ministry that defines the life of authentically faithful Catholic-Christians. The institutional Church bears rresponsibility in part for the backsliding, by not challenging people enough to fulfill their baptismal obligations to be present and participating members of the Community of Believers, at Sunday Mass and in the spiritual, prayerful, catechetical, ministerial, and social activities of the Church. But non-practicing parents and families, are also to blame for not only failing to maintain the rquirements of discipleship, but setting a bad example of dismissive indifference for their children. If we as Catholic-Christian Disciples are unwilling to honor our Initiation into the Life of Christ and the Church while living in this temporal world, how will we be able to dwell in God's eternal Kingdom ? Worldly lives that are too busy or otherwise prioritized to have time for God and the Church are much too busy and off the rails. What we are graced to share as Church is the greatest gift ever bestowed on humankind, the promise of Eternal Life in God's Kingdom. If you are a Catholic-Christian then you have to practice what you profess and by doing so give homage to Jesus the Christ God's Co-Eternal, Glorified Son ? How are you serving / witnessing to the Glory of God today, this week, throughout this year ?? In The Spirit Of True Faith, Fidelity, Fellowship, And Friendship, As Catholic-Christian Disciples, Fr. Troy

Monday, May 17, 2010


I am not a promoter of Sacramento's Capital Christian Center. But the sponsorship of their charter high school's Prom for Students with Special Needs on May 15, was a truly commendable event. The disabled deserve equal opportunity to share in the experiences of everyday life others share, and rites of passage such as a high school prom are a vital part of being and feeling included. The staff and volunteers of Capital Christian Charter High School helped make the dreams of 60 disabled and special needs students come true, by organizing and providing the opportunity for them to share in this prom, "Evening of Dreams". Kudos to all those who faciltated this wonderfully inclusive event and for giving those five dozen special needs students the chance to experience the same social milestone of their high school years their brothers and sisters, and other students experience. This is another step forward in the inclusion and empowerment of the disabled. Coming as it does in light that the disabled, blind, and elderly, will be caused to inordinately sacrifice for California's budget crisis, it is reassuring that the Faith Community renew its consideration and provision for them to be fully participatory in the everyday opportunities of life, so many other non-disabled, or more youthful persons, all but take for granted.........In The Inclusiveness Of Jesus The Lord Of All God's Creatures, Fr. Troy

Sunday, May 16, 2010


On this 7th and penultimate Sunday of Easter, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord Jesus, back to the right hand of God our Heavenly Father. The Co-Eternal Son of God, Jesus came into the world from the Father's right hand in Heaven, to be born, suffer, die, and rise, again. The Resurrection Narratives in the Gospels and the Sacred Tradition of the Church teaches us that the Risen Christ dwelt on earth for 40 Days following His Resurrection from the Dead. Contemporary theologians and Scripture scholars presently focus not only on the length of 40 Days, or 40 Hours, 40 Minutes, or 40 Seconds, between the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, but the process of Glorification the Risen and Ascended Christ, underway by the experience of the Paschal Mystery. The Risen Christ who ascended back to His Heavenly Father was glorified and His glory was transformational. The Resurrection stories attest that the Apostles and Disciples did not recognize Him upon first seeing Jesus following His Resurrection. He was glorified and gloriously new in their sights. As His faithful and fervent followers in the Community of Believers that is God's Church, we too are called and chosen to share in the Glory of the Risen and Ascended Christ. Our full presence and participation in the Sunday Eucharist, our Daily Prayers, and the active part we take in the Ministry of being Church, are the essential ways we fulfill our roles and responsibilities as Catholic-Christian Disciples. Attending Sunday Mass and receiving the Sacraments are the beginning not the end of being a Believer. So as you affirm your belief in, and commitment to, the Paschal Mystery of Jesus' Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, what are you doing to put it ever more fully into practice ? On your journey to Pentecost this coming week what more will you do to embrace Jesus' gift of the Holy Spirit ? Sunday Mass, Daily Prayer, and Active Ministry, will empower you to fulfill your baptismal obligations by accepting the opportunities presented for your response..........In Jesus The Christ Our Risen And Ascended Savior And Lord, Fr. Troy

Saturday, May 15, 2010


St. Isidore whose liturgical memorial the Church calendars today, was a 12th century Spanish farmworker. He is the patron of farmers, farmworkers, and rural communities. St. Isidore is known for miracles. As we remember St. Isidore today let us pray for all farmers, farmworkers, and rural communities, who help provide the many agricultural fruits,vegetables, and grains, Californians and others need to eat balanced and healthy meals. Our Sacramento Diocese includes a St. Isidore's Parish, in Yuba City a further reminder of the patronage of this saint in an area with a preponderance of farmers and farmworkers. St. Isidore pray for us and make us whatever work we do faithful witnesses to the discipleship we share and the love and glory of God which is our promise and hope in Jesus the Christ Our Risen Lord..........Fr. Troy

Friday, May 14, 2010


From the moment Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, the band of Apostles was incomplete. Jesus had called and chosen Twelve Apostles and with Judas' departure they numbered only Eleven. And so one of the first interepersonal and communal responsibility with which the post Resurrection-Ascension Apostles faced was choosing a successor to the most infamous one. Within the initial Community of Believers there were many faithful disciples of Jesus. The selection of a new, 13th member, returning the college of Apostles to its original Twelve, camd down toi two upstanding choices, Barsabbas and Matthias. Matthias was the one chosen, for he had experienced the Public Ministry of Jesus and was a witness to the Resurrection. Taking up the mantle of Apostleship, Matthias bore great fruit working in the Lord's vineyard. Matthias the Apostle is thought to have been martyred in Colchis, which is now modern day Georgia in the Baltic. Our discipleship as Catholic-Christian believers is meant to mirror that of the Apostles. To continue in the Church and the World the Public Ministry of the Risen Christ and to faithfully bear witness to the Resurrection, by our presence to and with others. May your Easter Faith on this St. Matthias the Apostle Day inspire and inform you and others to consider wisely the part you will play in making, keeping, serving,, leading, the Body of Christ - The Church forward in fidelity to the Gospel values of Jesus the Christ..........Fr. Troy

Thursday, May 13, 2010


On May 13, 1917, three young Portuguese shepherd children, experienced an apparition of the Blessed Mother, which has been celebrated for the past ninety three years as devotion to the Virgin Mary as, Our Lady of Fatima. As a person of Portuguese ancestry the Fatima devotion was a part of my family's spirituality. As a First Communicant I remember when a mosaic of Our Lady of Fatima was constructed on the sanctuary wall of St. Robert's Church in South Sacramento 45 years ago. I always looked upon it with pride as a reminder of my Portuguese roots. The message of Fatima for the world is a message of conversion of heart, repentance from sin, and prayer for peace, the Rosary - in particular. The liturgical celebration of Our Lady of Fatima has now been added to the Universal Calendar of the Church for May 13. Pope Benedict XVI, is completing a three day pilgrimage to the Fatima shrine in Portugal today, and in the spirit of conversion and repentance, he has made his most profound statement to date, about the sins of the sexual abuse crisis the Universal Church is having to confront and address. Our Lady of Fatima is an appropriate day for the Pope's message of healing, repentance, forgiveness, and conversion, as it was on this day in 1981, that the attempt to take the life of Pope John Paul II, took place. The example of healing and forgiveness, if not conversion and repentance, exemplified by the late Holy Father toward his attacker, is an example the Church as a whole can grow and gain from. The hegemony of Soviet Communism which was only beginning in 1917, is now history, thanks in part to the prayers for peace and conversion that Our Lady of Fatima in her apparitions to the Portuguese shepherd children, requested of Catholic-Christians. May the Peace and Conversion of our hearts and homes continue to unfold as we prayerfully intercede to our Blessed Mother..........Our Lady Of Fatima Pray For Us To Your Son The Risen Jesus The Christ, Fr. Troy

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Thirteen months, and three hundred and thirteen blog columns ago, when I began writing, "Insights Into Life And Faith By Father Troy David Powers", after providing an introductory biographical overview of my new enterprise as a blogger I presented as my first entry, a blog column that reflected on the continuing presence of evil in the world contending with conquering power of the Paschal Mystery. One of the examples I cited was the inexplicable killing days earlier in Tracy, California of an 8 year old girl, alledgely by a Sunday School teacher neighbor of hers. My blogging at the time questioned why a seemingly good, motherly, religious person, would commit such a crime against a child ? On Monday morning 8 year old Sandra Cantu's accused killer, 34 year old Melissa Huckabee struck a plea bargain, pleading guilty to the murder and facing life imprisonment as a result, not the death penalty. She will pay the price for her heinious act, in prison for the rest of her life, which I suppose is justice. But my primary question of thirteen months ago remains, Why do supposedly good people do such bad things, as in this case kill a child ? Is it due to a moral breakdown that devalues and thus disrespects the centrality of human life in the existence of Creation ? Or has human beings fallen nature become so self absorbed in selfishness and sin, that anyone or anything perceived as an obstacle to one's happiness or considered a threat to being or doing what we want and how we want it to be, is dispensable and eliminatable, even by the taking of their life ? With Melissa Huckabee's guilty plea and life imprisonment without parole sentence we may never know why she killed Sandra Cantu, after otherwise living a good and decent life up until that day last year. But let us pray that it will cause all in our society to realize the inherent, unqualified, dignity of all human life from conception to natural death and strive ever better to safeguard children and secure their lives against violence and harm. And as Christians may we instill in all our members a deeper and ever abiding moral formation that perserves and protects the dignity of human persons, be they youthful or elderly, as we defend and represent the sacredness of life as God's gift to us and all peoples..........Choosing Life As We Strive To Vanquish Death In The Paschal Mystery Of Jesus The Christ, Fr. Troy

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

LENA HORNE 1917-2010.....A WOMAN AND HER MUSIC..........

From the late 1930's through the dawning of this past decade, a beautiful and unique American woman's voice has made a yeoman contribution to the world of music. Her name was Lena Horne. She was born inn Brooklyn, New York on June 30, 1917. As a young woman, she became an entertainment trailblazer, being the first black American performer to ever be signed to a movie contract by one of the major motion picture studios. And yet, had she not been a black woman, or born later in the twentieth century, she may well have become one of the industry's leading actresses, as her race caused her movie career to languish for many years. She sprang to fame in screen musicals, Vincent Minelli's 1943, "Cabin In The Sky", an all black musical first and then, "Stormy Weather", based on a popular song that became her signature tune, being her first two movie breakthrough successes. A $1,000 a week contract player at MGM, who made $1,500 for each of her personal musical appearances, and very popular with black servicemen during World War II, racism was a very much a reality in her early decades as an entertainer. She attributed her success at becoming a star to WWII, as she was an acclaimed featured artist on the Army radio program, "Command Performance", a dozen times during the war. Lena Horne turned from her acting career to concentrating on her music, making records and performing a in nightclubs. A jaz and blues singer, with a distinctive, sultry, voice she was by 1957, a very successful recording artist. Her 1957 album, "Lena Horne at the Waldorf Astoria", recorded live during her eight week appearance at the famous New York City hotel, rocketed into the Top Ten and was the best selling album ever by a female singer in RCA Victor Records history. Her equally successful Broadway show, "Lena Horne The Lady and Her Music", in which she starred for 14 months and won her a Tony Award, was one of the milestones of her musical life. Given her conquering success as a performer, she did not forget her roots or her race and became an activist in the civil rights movement. She advocated and shared with others in the struggle for equality and an end to discrimination, as a woman of conviction. I fondly remember as a child in the 1960's seeing her perform on television or hearing her singing on the radio, and thinking what a wonderful voice and energy she exuded and the spirited and happy manner she exhibited in her performances. Lena Horne's enrichment of the worlds of music and movies is an undeniable certainty. Her trailblazing role in gaining for peoples of color a place in the mainstream media and life of our country is also assured. May she now experience the joy of a life well lived in the everlastinng Life of God's Kingdom. Thank you Miss Lena Horne..........Fr. Troy

Monday, May 10, 2010


In 1959, the Argentian Sisters of the Infant Mary, came to Holy Family Parish, Citrus Heights to open and staff Holy Family Parish School. Msgr. Vito F. Mistretta, Pastor recruited them after waiting more than five years after building the school to find Sisters to serve as teachers. The Sisters of the Infant Mary staffed Holy Family School from 1959-1971; when they were reassigned by their Order. Mrs. Louise Laing, a Citrus Heights parishioner next served as Holy Family School parishioner from 1971-1990. She was succeeded by Mrs. Alice Maxwell, 1990-1996; until her death and Loretto Sister Arlene Connelly, IBVM, has served as Principal and now as President, of Holy Family School since 1996-to the present. Mr. Chuck Suarez, is now serving as Holy Family Parish School Principal 2009-forward. One of the ways the memory and charism of the Infant Mary Sisters founding service and leadership of Holy Family Parish School continues in the Citrus Heights parish Knights of Columbus Council, founded in 1960, and designated the Infant Mary Council 4964, whose fraternity, unity, charity, and patriotism, is marking its 50th Anniversary. For the past half century of Holy Family Citrus Heights more than 60 year history the Infant Mary Council of the Knights of Columbus have been a mainstay in the parish and community life of Holy Family and of Citrus Heights. I was initiated into the Knights of Columbus Bishop Robert J. Armstrong Council, in the spring 1982, before I entered the seminary later that year. So to my Brother Knights in the Infant Mary Council, who I ministered to as Associate Pastor and Pastor, during my two appointments to Holy Family Parish, I extend my congratulations, kudos, and commendations, for their fifty years of faithful service to the Church that is the People of God in Citrus Heights..........In The Peace And Joy Of The Risen Christ Who Sends Us The Holy Spirit, Fr. Troy

Sunday, May 9, 2010


On this 6th Sunday of Easter, as we celebrate Mother's Day in the United States, we are commanded by Jesus in the Gospel Proclamation, John 14:23-29, to, Love Him and to keep His Word, that by doing so we may Love both the God the Father and God the Son, thus having the ability to Love one another. In our First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles 15:1-2; 22-29;, we hear of the experience of Paul and Brnabas and the oother disciples with them in their mission of eva ngelization to the Gentiles. Debate and dissension over the question of the necessity for circumcision as a requirement of conversion to Christ and other Jewish practices arose that required addressing by the elders of the Church and involved compromise, to arrive at an answer acceptable to both Jews and Gentiles in regards to the newfound Christian Faith. Compromise as I can tell you as atudent of political science, government, and history, is a definition of politics. But it is also a definition of life and successful, productive, interpersonal relationships. The consensus of the early Church was for the Gentiles to accept some of the long held Jewish teachings to become members of the Christian Community of Believers, but not have to circumcized as a requirement for admission. This past Thursday's British General Election is another very good example of what the Acts of the Apostles passage today is teaching us. The people of Great Britain voted inconclusively last week, delivering a hung Parliament, no political party have won a majority of the parliamentary seats. The major party leaders are thus having to negotiate, compromise, and achieve at least a temporary consensus, in order to form a government and lead and serve their fellow citizens as the next Government. Law is an essential, undeniable, facet of a well ordered society. But Law alone is insufficient, it tends toward legalism that is rigid and staid. Love must also be included in the lives of believers and citizens to complete the Law. The spirit of the Law is Love and the letter of the Law is Legalism.
On this annual day in the United States designated in honor of our Mothers, Grandmothers, and other significant women in our lives, we also witness an excellent example of Love. Today we take time in a concerted way to acknowledge, appreciate, and affirm, the Love mothers provide us with and the contribution to the betterment and well being of our lives they make. As we seek to Love God by Loving Others, may the Love you express for and to your Mothers and Granmothers today, be the renewal of Love present daily in your lives..........With Faith, Hope, And Love in Jesus the Risen Christ, Fr. Troy

Saturday, May 8, 2010


An e-mail arrived in my inbox yesterday announcing doubly good news about a friend and priestly colleague of mine and the outstanding work he continues to do. Reverend Father Steven Avella, a native born vocation of the Sacramento Diocese, with roots in Orangevale and North Highlands, is a former Savatorian religious order priest and is now a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Father Steve is a tenured professor of History at Marquette University in Milwaukee. A brilliant preacher, lecturer, and writer, his book on the Catholic Church in Sacramento last year is a consumate volume on the subject. His exemplary teaching at Marquette is being recognized with a student voted award and also with the University's "Gettleman Award" for Excellence. Those who know, respect, and admire, Steve for his outstanding abilities as a teacher, preacher, author, and friend, can attest to how deserving he is of this superb recognition. My life and ministry have been blessed over the past decade by his friendship, fraternity, and fellowship. Countless others can and do attest, to the adept abilities he posseses and the ever effective ways he communicates the knowledge, insight, and vision, of history and the Church, he brings to life. I am proud of Fr. Steve Avella as a professional and a personal friend. I congratulate and celebrate his latest achievements and look forward to savoring them with him this summer..........In The Faith, Fellowship, Friendship, And Fraternity, Of The Risen Jesus The Christ, Fr. Troy

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Since 1952, there has been by Congressional legislation and Presidential proclamation, an annual National Day of Prayer, celebrated on the first Thursday of May. Americans are asked on this day to, "turn to God in prayer and meditation". In Washington D.C., it is occasion for the President and Congress to attend the National Prayer Breakfast each year. After fifty eight years of such an observance, in which I have participated in ecumenically as a Pastor, with other Christian congregations, the existence of the constitutionality of the National Day of Prayer is not o coming under fire, but being legally challenge. On April 15 of this year, a federal district court judge in Wisconsin, declared the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional, declaring, "It goes beyond the mere acknowledgement of religion because its sole purpose is to encourage all citizens to engage in prayer, an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function". Judge Barbara Crabb stayed her own order for the time being while legal arguments concerning its constitutionality are heard and adjudicated. The Obama Administration in defending the National Day of Prayer has stated is a constitutionallypermitted because it is, "acknowledgement of the role of religion in American life". Who is supporting the elimination of the National Day of Prayer, but atheists and secular humanists who deny the existence of God as well as disavow the need to pray. They argue it is a violation of separation of Church and State, yet the Bill of Rights guarantees the right to Freedom of Religion. No citizen is coerced to pray either on the National Day of Prayer, or any other day. The designation of this annual day a concerted opportunity for believing and praying Americans to lift their hearts and minds together in intercession for the needs of our country and the world. In this time of the worst national and international economic crisis to afflict the world in eighty years, is it not ample time they turn away from advancing their narrowly adhered to self reliance and seclar, materialistic, inclinations to allow the rest of our citizens who are believers in a higher, spiritual, and supreme, power to also practice our constituitional right to pray. The effort to abolish the National Day of Prayer is only beginning. That means as we await a definitive ruling, that may well come the United States Supreme Court, let us pray and advocate for our right to keep this annual observance and the necessity to pray if we choose, as American citizens for the betterment of the United States of America..........In The Right And Freedom Of Observing The National Say Of Prayer, Fr. Troy

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Today, May 5th, or "Cinco de Mayo", is a great day of celebration for the Mexican people, including our very own Mexican-American citizens. This year it comes just days after Arizona has passed and the Governor signed a controversial legislative bill that not only seriously cracks down on illegal immigration into Arizona from Mexico, but sets off another cycle of racial profiling, as Arizona police will be empowered by the new law to suspect and question legal Mexican-American citizens, as though they were illegal immigrants. Protests, boycotts, and resounding criticism has risen to the fore from the White House to City Hall, down to neighborhoods an workplaces throughout much of our country. Sacramento Mayor Kevi Johnson, himself a former NBA Phoenix Suns basketball player, came out against the new law last Wednesday and then after a telephone conversation with Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon, reversed his position on the very same day, in a display of blatant political flipflopping. Sacramento Bee opinion columnist, Marcos Breton in his well written column today, discussed this whole issue with superb insight. His writing about former Judge Raul Ramirez's outspoken and negative response to the Arizona Immigration Act 2010, was particularly well included. Judge Ramirez during his years on the bench, was no soft soap lenient judge when it came to illegal immigration, thus he has very credible credentials from which to speak. Good Law should be necessary and provide a fair, equitable, just, and unbiased, resolution to a serious problem. It should not feed or enact as legal and permissable - racist, prejudicial, discriminatory, and immoral, attitudes or political posturing. The Arizona state and the federal courts, and most likely the United States Supreme Court, will ultimately decide the the fate of this new illegal immigration act. Illegal immigration is a serious problen needing to be effectively and equitably in all states that border Mexico and its underbelly Central and South America. The necessary laws, enforcement, and immigration reform that fairly serves the berst interests of all must be arrived at in a partnership with the United States and Mexico. How assiduously is the Mexican Government pursuing border control and illegal immigration given the current political, economic, and social unrest, problems they are contending with ? Until we begin honestly and ethically dealing with the problem of illegal immigration it will continue to fester. Arizona's latest attempts does not solve the problem, but rather enflames it and the negative, shortsighted, and xenophobic, inclinations of a sad percentage of our fellow citizens 40-50 years after our country seemed to arrest if not eradicate racial divisions and prejudicial attitudes against any color, country, culture, or creed. We can only continue to pray and work for the unity and progress of all peoples and the inherent human dignity they possess as God's creatures.....HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO IN THE SPIRIT OF FREEDOM AND FAIRNESS,
Fr. Troy David Powers

Monday, May 3, 2010


This morning as I celebrated the 8 am Mass at Sacred Heart, on the 23rd Anniversary of my First Mass as an ordained Priest of Jesus Christ, today's Eucharist was the 100th Mass I have celebrated at Sacred Heart during the past 4 months. This on the Feast of Sts. Phiilip and James, Apostles. Phillip who was among the first disciples Jesus called, was from Bethsaida, and is thought according to Sacred Tradition to have gone as an apostle to Phrygia, to preach the Gospel. Phillip died on a cross in Hierapolis, and has two appocryphal writings attributed to him.
James, who is known as the Lesser, was the son of Alphaeus, and a cousin or, "brother of the Lord", who is also known as, "the Just". James was known for his piety, and for being a leader of the Jerusalem Church. He wrote an epistle found in the New Testament. James was supposedy beaten or stoned to death and is the patron of the dying. In the celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Dying, the opening words prayed by the priest, are a quote from the Epistle of James, "Are there people sick among you ? Let them send for the priest of the Church....." In the Word of God on this their feast day, Jesus responds to Phillip by speaking of the communion between the Heavenly Father and Jesus His Son and James experiences as do the other Disciples of the Risen Lord. In the litany of saints included in Eucharistic Prayer I, Phillip and James are included with the other Apostles. Sts. Phillip and James, are also the patrons of Uruguay, in South America. To have St. Athanasius, a great Bishop and Doctor of the Church as my Ordination Day saint, and Sts. Phillip and James, Apostles as my First Mass Day saints, I have also considered a fortutious sign that as a Priest of Jesus Christ, God is caling me to preach, teach, and minister , in and with the spirit of the apostles. From my 1st Mass on this day in 1987, to my 8,487th Mass today, 23 years later, I am happy to have the honor and privilege of presiding, proclaiming, preaching, and perfecting, (consecrating) the sacred mysteries of Word and Eucharist, that permit us to encounter the Risen Christ in the Paschal Mystery..........Peace + Prayers In Jesus The Christ, Fr. Troy

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Aswe open the month of May and the 5th Week of the Easter, our Sunday Scriptures today speak to us of fidelity, fullfillment, and love. In the Acts of the Apostles 14:21-27; Paul and Barnabas on their missionary journey of evangelization to the Gentiles proclaimed the Good News of Jesus the Christ, and won many followers to the Risen Jesus. They did not keep their success evangelizing and converting the Gentiles they were sent to minister to, to themselves but returned to the other Apostles and Disciples to share the story with the Community of Believers from whence they came. Paul and Barnabas showed fidelity to their responsibility of spreading the Good News of Salvation attained for us by the Paschal Mystery, - the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of God's Risen and Redeeming Son, Jesus the Christ. Thus they fulfilled their share in the ministry and mission of being Church. We are the modern day Disciples of Jesus the Christ. We too, share in the ministry and mission of fidelity to proclaiming our Lord and Savior, by the faithful witnessing we do to others of the Paschal Nystery and Gospel Values in Jesus the Lord of Life and Love. John's Gospel Proclamation Chapter 13: 31-33a, 34-35; speaks of the glorification of God by the Love of God for humankind and our Love for God, made complete by and with, our Love for others. God's Spirit of Love must permeate our very beings, to make us Catholic-Christian Disciples of Jesus, who truly and fully live lives of ever increasing Love for All.....Today I am also celebrating the 23rd Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood, with my Sacramento seminary classmates, Reverend Father Eduino Silveira and Reverend Father Paul Schloeder, at the hands of Bishop Emeritus Francis Anthony Quinn. I am grateful to Bishop Quinn and the Diocese of Sacramento for ordaing us for service to the People of God in these 20 counties of our Catholic-Christian Church Community. And for the parishioners, priests, religious, deacons, and lay friends, who have been a presence to me through these years, as I have pastorally, sacramentally, catechetically, spiritually, and socially, participated in your lives. Especially in the past eight years during the health struggles I have endured as my personal cross..........May the Lord God Bless You And Keep You In Fiedilty, Fulfillment, And Love, Reverend Father Troy David Powers

Saturday, May 1, 2010


On this closing day of Vocations Awareness Week, we comemorate the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, First Holy Communion is being also being celebrated here at Sacred Heart Parish in East Sacramento. The Feast of St. Joseph the Worker was established by Pope Pius XII, after World War II, to spiritually offset the indignities of atheistic Communism, by re-inforcing the spiritual nature and dignity of the human person and the inherent value of human labor. The prayers and efforts of our Catholic-Christian Faith has made great strides over the past several decades in contesting the reign of Communism over the Russian and Eastern European peoples. And once more the freedom to believe and practice faith and religion, openly has been re-established. Forty second graders received the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the First Holy Communion Mass Msgr. Walton and I, concelebrated this morning. Among them was Daniel Buckner, the son of my Sac State Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity brother, Rob Buckner. It has been a big sacramental season for the Buckners. Daniel's older brother, Julian, celebrated his Confirmation less than three weeks ago, here at Sacred Heart. In coming weeks, First Communions and Confirmations will be occurring in parishes everywhere. My longtime friends Roger and Karin Geach have two grandsons receiving their First Eucharist this weekend and next. They are San Diego this weekend at grandson Hunter's First Communion and next weekend their grandson Reagan's First Communion takes place in Good Shepherd Parish in Laguna / Elk Grove. I will blog more about the Sacraments in coming days, as of tomorrow the 5th Sunday of Easter, which this year is a significant date in the history of my sacramental life..........Peace + Prayers Through The Intercession Of St. Joseph The Worker And The Risen Eucharistic Christ, Fr. Troy








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